Ever Felt Anxious?

Here’s How to Deal with It!


We have all been there from time to time. Occasional anxiety is a normal reaction to uncertainty about what’s going to happen next, whether that’s in the next few minutes, days, or months. So no need to worry. Mental health experts define anxiety as worry over a threat that’s still in your future. Thinking about a conversation you dread, for example, could twist your stomach into knots days before it happens. Your heart may race before an exam or presentation and so on.While occasional anxiety is normal, chronic anxiety can mess with your daily life.

“Anxiety is like a fire alarm that keeps going off when there is no fire. We need to learn how to reset the alarm.”- Dr. Judson Brewer, Psychiatrist and neuroscientist and author, founder of the Center for Anxiety, New York City. (place it with Dr. pic)

It’s also normal to want to get rid of those uncomfortable, pit-of-the-stomach feelings as quickly as possible. But that approach can make you more anxious.

“When you worry about getting rid of your anxiety, you’re signaling your nervous system that you have even more to be anxious about. And that makes your anxiety worse.”- David H. Rosmarin, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School, Boston. (place it with Dr. pic)

Why Does Anxiety Happen?

• Social Media: The pressure to present a perfect life.

• Future Uncertainty: Concerns about climate change, jobs, and global events.

• Academic Pressure: High expectations in school and university.

Signs of Anxiety

• Persistent worrying

• Restlessness or feeling on edge

• Difficulty concentrating

• Irritability

• Physical symptoms like a fast heartbeat or sweating

Calm Anxiety by Accepting It Instead of trying to get rid of those pit-of-the-stomach feelings quickly (which can make you more anxious), try these steps:

  1. Recognize Your Anxiety: Tell yourself, “My nervous system is in high gear because I’m worried about some particular thing.”
  2. Don’t Criticize Yourself: Say, “This is a normal, healthy response to these stressful circumstances. It’s OK to feel this way.”
  3. Remember You Can Still Function: Think back to a time when you were anxious but still managed to do what you needed to do.

Quick Tips to Manage Anxiety

  1. Stay Active: Regular exercise reduces stress.
  2. Limit Screen Time: Take breaks from social media.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: Techniques like meditation can calm your mind.
  4. Talk About It: Sharing your feelings with friends, family, or a therapist can provide support.

If your anxiety is long-lasting and interferes with your life, you might need to seek treatment. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help. You’ve got this!