Founded on 1995, Nepal Samacharpatra national daily’s editorial strategy made such distinction for itself that it soon broke into the bastion of other national dailies, harnessing a large portion of these readers, who still today make nearly 50% of Nepal Samacharpatra’s regular readers. For this reason, European Union and World View Nepal ranked Nepal Samacharpatra as the most balanced and credible newspaper.

The daily, beyond a high standard in reporting and news analysis has also set a benchmark in quality printing that has added to intense product satisfaction for the readers. Continuing with its policy to provide value addition, the daily now has also introduced interesting weekly features and supplements, addressing vital readers aspirations and consolidating a wider bond with the readers.

Surely Nepal Samacharpatra is not the leader by circulation but it stands tall as the irrefutable leader by substance of the contents. And having entered the fray late, the achievement has been no easy task.

Nepal Samacharpatra aims for leadership through the quality of readership. The fact that our news and presentation appeal to the discerning readers, speak volumes on our endeavor with the pen. And surely today, we provide the powerful, sales effective platform to reach a cross section of adult decision-making population who naturally make regular and potential users of every perceivable kind of merchandise in Nepal.

Nepal Samacharpatra in its stride has effectively positioned itself as the most read newspaper in Kathmandu Valley with a larger representation in the upper economic groups. These are the people who are influenced by the value brands and service. They judge for themselves the relevance of various commodities in shaping a good living. They make the biggest buyer segment with a high disposable income to support a cross-section of merchandise. And they certainly make the prized target for every brand.

Nepal Samacharpatra has created niche markets in certain segments.  For instance, Nepal Samacharpatra is the official newspaper of Private and Boarding School’s Association of Nepal (PABSON). Nepal Samacharpatra also has the highest penetration in Infrastructure sector of Nepal.


Circulation                           50,000 copies daily
Audience                              500,000
Subscriber                            25,000 (Kathmandu Valley)
Stationary Sales                     15,000 (Kathmandu Valley)
Outside Valley                        10,000

Readership by Sex

Male                                    65 percent
Female                                    35 percent

Readership by Age

16 to 20                                   4 percent
21 to 25                                   20 percent
26 to 35                                   35 percent
46 to 55                                   27 percent
56 and above                           14 percent

Readership by Economic Group

Strata A                                   26
Strata B                                   38
Strata C                                   24
Strata D                                   07
Strata E                                   05